Through early June, Oʻahu Mayor Blangiardi is hosting a series of Town Hall events across the island to hear from constituents about their major priorities and concerns. These town halls provide a critical opportunity for our community (no matter what part of the island you live on) to show your support for a First Responder Center at Sharks Cove (on the North Shore of Oʻahu).
The campaign to protect Sharks Cove from ongoing development threats and clean water issues continues, and it is critical to urge Mayor Blangiardi to make this project a top priority of his Administration.
Mayor Meeting with Landowner
In December 2023, Save Sharks Cove Alliance and North Shore community leaders presented the Save Sharks Cove Petition to the Mayor. Afterwards, the Mayor met with the landowner of the proposed site of the “tourist mall,” Andrew Yani (Hanapohaku LLC), about his willingness to sell the parcels to the City for the North Shore First Responder Center.
The North Shore Lifeguard Association and the community consider this site the “ideal location” for the Center. We are grateful that the Mayor made a sincere effort to persuade the landowner to voluntarily sell the parcels to the City instead of building a 34,500 sf “commercial tourist mall.”
Unfortunately, Mr. Yani and his development team told the Mayor that he is not interested in selling the property to the City. But we are not giving up and we can’t let the Mayor give up! This is the right thing to do for our health and safety – and to protect Sharks Cove. It could be an invaluable LEGACY project for the Mayor – and the landowner too. The Mayor needs to hear from YOU and all the Petition supporters across Oʻahu – this is an island-wide issue. We donʻt need a tourist mall across from Sharks Cove. We need a First Responder Center.
Proposed Budget For Planning/Design of Center
In addition to the meeting between the Mayor and Mr. Yani, Councilmember Matt Weyer recently proposed to add $500,000 to the City budget for planning and design of a new North Shore First Responder Center. This request passed Budget Committee on April 1 and was heard by the full City Council April 17!
Dr. Jim Ireland, Director of City Emergency Services Department (ambulance), the department that also includes the Ocean Safety Division (lifeguards), also voiced his support for the budget addition at the April 1 City Council Budget Committee meeting. At the Town Hall meetings, you will also have the opportunity to thank and continue encouraging Dr. Ireland to keep his support for Center.
Sample Town Hall Questions
Town Halls provide a unique and powerful opportunity to voice your concerns and ideas directly to the Mayor. Any resident of the area in which the Town Hall is being held is welcome to get in line and ask the Mayor or his cabinet a question about any issue YOU care about.
You can even go as a group if you wish to address the Mayor together. Even if you walk to the microphone as a group, people can still make individual comments or ask questions on the same topic. Below you can find sample questions and talking points specific to the North Shore First Responder Center.
- First Question: “Mahalo Mayor Blangiardi for taking the initiative to create a First Responder Center on the North Shore. I live __________ – and my family and I spent a lot of time on the North Shore at the beach or hiking and doing other outdoor activities. This Center - with an ambulance and lifeguard district station - will benefit the health and safety of me and my family, and everyone on Oʻahu. My question is: will you and your team continue to make all possible efforts to acquire the commercial property at Sharks Cove, an ideal location, for this urgently needed Center? Will you make it happen?”
- Second Question: “Will you support the City Council budget addition of $500k for planning and design of the North Shore Ocean Safety (First Responder) Center? Please support this funding to kickstart the site selection and planning while acquisition efforts continue!”
Town Hall Schedule
Sign the Petition!
Last but not least, please continue to encourage your friends and family to Sign the Petition! You can go to www.savesharkscovealliance.org and click the red Petition button.
We have passed 7,500 responses to the survey (still 99% oppose the tourist mall and 91% support the First Responder Center on this site!) and are aiming for 10,000 by the time the Mayor comes to the North Shore Town Hall on May 16.