Last year, O‘ahu residents voted to create an "Office of Climate Change, Sustainability, and Resiliency" and the Mayor's office has responded by proposing a new office for 2018 that will have 5 full-time staff, including positions to immediately focus on climate change planning, clean energy projects, and better resiliency for our coastal zones and waterways. Woohoo!
Unfortunately, several Councilmembers have suggested eliminating or greatly reducing funds to support the Office of Climate Change, Sustainability, and Resiliency -- an office mandated by voters and critical for Honolulu. We must show mass support for this Office now, before the budget process gets even tougher.
How you can immediately help:
Please submit online testimony in support for the Office of Climate Change, Sustainability, and Resiliency before Tuesday, April 11th, when Bill 25 (2017)- the Executive Operating Budget Bill, will be heard in the City Council’s Budget Committee (agenda here).
Bill 25 (2017) is a comprehensive budget bill that includes a request of $467,388 for the Office of Climate Change, Sustainability, and Resiliency and its 5 full-time staff for fiscal year 2018. In addition to the Mayor's request of $467,388, Councilmember Fukunaga wants to increase the Office's budget by $100,000 to do a sea level rise study and Councilmember Anderson wants to increase the budget by $150,000 to do a visitor census and carrying capacity study. We are in support of these amendments to increase the budget for the Office of Climate Change, provided it doesn't take away funding the 5 full-time staff positions.
Please take two minutes to submit online support for Honolulu's NEW "Office of Climate Change, Sustainability, and Resiliency". Because Bill 25 (2017) is a huge budget bill, you must specifically mention that you are in support of the Office of Climate Change, Sustainability, and Resiliency within Bill 25 (2017).
Details for the online testimony form:
Meeting Date: 04-11-2017
Council/Committee: Budget
Agenda Item: Bill 25 (2017)
Your Position: Support
Written Testimony: “My name is ______ and I am a resident of ______. I support fully funding the Office of Climate Change, Sustainability, and Resiliency and the proposed 5 full-time staff positions. I also support increasing the budget for this office to include a sea level rise study and a visitor census and carrying capacity study for Oʻahu. This is a smart way to invest city taxpayer's money. As an island community, we must prioritize funding to mitigate and adapt to climate change, encourage conservation jobs, and protect our shared resources for future generations.”