Malama Maunalua rain garden installation: Sustainable Resources Group Intn'l, Inc. (SRGII) and Mālama Maunalua are working together to install rain gardens in Wailupe Beach Park and Kuliou‘ou Beach Park. As outlined in the Watershed Based Plan for Wailupe Watershed, rain gardens will help reduce the amount of non-point source pollution entering Maunalua Bay. Most of the runoff generated by rainwater travels over asphalt and picks up vehicle fluids, trash, and other contaminants, which are then carried through storm drains to the ocean. The untreated water negatively affects Hawaii’s streams, ocean waters, and coral reefs. Rain gardens capture the water and allow it to be infiltrated into the soil, using plants and soils to remove pollutants from stormwater naturally. Installing rain gardens at the beach parks will improve water quality and help educate community members about their multiple benefits including filtering stormwater runoff,
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