Oahu Chapter


Written by evan | Apr 8, 2013 12:33:48 AM


The Water Institute for Sustainable Education (WISE) and the Sustainable Living Institute of Maui (SLIM) at UH Maui College invite you to attend a Rain Garden workshop for educators in the new Community Garden at UHMC April 27-28. This workshop will broaden your knowledge and open the door to new educational opportunities for teaching sustainability in and out of the classroom!

Did you know that 100’s of trillions of gallons of stormwater in Hawaii that runs off driveways, parking lots, and roads picking up pollution that damages our coral reef ecosystems instead of recharging our precious groundwater supplies?! This workshop is the first in the WISE series focusing on how to RECHARGE water back into the ground through engineered native gardens that filter out pollution, recharge our aquifers, and protect our streams and oceans. The workshop will cover the basics of what they are, how they are designed, and some lesson plans/activities that could be used in the classroom.


April 27 - DAY 1 will be held in the classroom and is open to K-12 Educators, Higher Education Teachers, Curriculum Developers, Department of Education Staff, nonprofit groups who have interest in water resource education, and other pertinent educational institutions.

April 28 - DAY 2 will be held in the garden and is open to anyone interested in learning more about rain gardens. Keiki are welcome!

WHAT you will learn: Expand your sustainability educational tool set to teach your class/community on pertinent, current issues relating to water resources in Hawaii and how to engage students to be part of the solution.



TO REGISTER CONTACT: snydert@hawaii.edu or 808.984.3379

WISE is a new Hawaii-based non-profit focused on empowering the next generation of sustainable water stewards by providing a comprehensive and integrative tool set for water resource management.  Founded by a local Water Resource expert, Lauren Roth Venu, Ecological Engineer, David Whitney, PE and Ecological Educator, Anne Orellena Whitney, WISE is equipped to get educators the starting tool blocks to integrate sustainable water management practice into existing curriculum and lesson plans.

SLIM is an institute of UHMC with a mission to integrate the principles of sustainability into all levels of education to help people build skills that are compatible with the community’s cultural, environmental, and economic aspirations.

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