Honolulu, O’ahu Nov. 17th , 6:00pm-10:30pm the Surfrider Foundation’s O’ahu Chapter will present the 10th Annual John Kelly Environmental Achievement Awards. The awards are for those who have contributed towards protecting and enhancing our ocean, beaches and coastal environment. All proceeds will benefit Surfrider’s O’ahu Chapter and their efforts to preserve our coasts.
Today is your lucky day! Tickets will be available at the door for $60! See you there!
Honolulu, O’ahu (October 22, 2012): On Saturday, November 17th, 6:00pm-10:30pm the Surfrider Foundation’s O’ahu Chapter will present the 10th Anniversary of their acclaimed John Kelly Environmental Achievement Awards. The celebration will be held at Waimea Valley Pavilion and will feature live music from The Intire Project and special guests, The Paul Carlon Quartet from New York City. Tickets are $60 for the early birds and $70 at the door. All proceeds will benefit Surfrider’s O’ahu Chapter and their efforts to preserve our coasts.
This special 10th anniversary ceremony celebrates John Kelly, the legendary waterman and environmental leader who started Save Our Surf and fought to protect Hawai‘i’s coastlines from over-development. Kelly and SOS helped to save over 140 surf sites on O’ahu and around the state, while also stopping many destructive developments. Following in his wake, Surfrider’s O’ahu Chapter has worked with other organizations to help preserve Pūpūkea-Paumalu (aka, Save Sunset Beach), Kaka’ako Park and Waimea Valley.
The awards dinner will feature local tastes from Chef Thomas Naylor and libations courtesy of Barefoot Wine & Bubbly and Kona Brewing Company. This year’s awardees have done inspiring work to bring about positive changes in their communities while also protecting our marine environment.
Charles Moore will be given the Lifetime Achievement Award. Born and raised in Long Beach, CA, Captain Charles Moore is an environmental researcher and dynamic speaker who is best known for bringing the North Pacific Garbage Patch to the world's attention. After running a woodworking business for decades, Moore founded the Algalita Marine Research Foundation in 1994. He then launched his research vessel the next year and began doing voyages across the Pacific to document the rise of marine plastic pollution. A lifelong activist, he also became a founding member of the Surfrider Foundation's Long Beach Chapter and their Blue Water Task Force. Captain Charlie Moore's work has been highlighted in numerous media outlets, including ABC's Nightline, Good Morning America, the Colbert Report, and National Public Radio,
Mu`umu`u Heaven will be awarded the Environmentally Friendly Hawai‘i-Based Company Award for their contribution to help Hawai‘i’s coral reefs. The products that Mu`umu`u Heaven provides for their customers are one-of-a-kind, environmentally friendly, and locally sourced in Hawai‘i. Not only does Mu`umu`u Heaven sell environmentally friendly products but uses tools that are as well. They are a unique company that has risen the bar for all current and future boutique stores.
Torrey Meister, aka the Happy Hawaiian, will be receiving the Professional Surfer Award. He is an explosive surfer whose positive attitude shines through his surfing as well as his demeanor on land. Raised on the Big Island of Hawai‘i, Torrey has seamlessly carried his amateur career achievements into the big leagues, placing 3rd in the prestigious Hawai‘i Triple Crown of Surfing in 2009. Known for his radical aerials, he was showcased in Taylor Steele’s latest surf movie, Innersection, and is sponsored by SPY Optics. An active advocate of the Surfrider Foundation, Torrey promotes environmental awareness throughout Hawai‘i and Southern California and appeared in a PSA supporting Surfrider's Rise Above Plastics Campaign.
Held each year in honor of John Kelly, the Awards Ceremony honors those individuals and organizations that have followed in his footsteps and continued his legacy of environmental leadership. Below is a list of previous winners, all of whom are invited to attend the event:
Previous Winners
Lifetime Achievement |
Hawaii-Based Company |
Professional Surfer |
2012 |
Charles Moore |
Mu`umu`u Heaven |
Torrey Meister |
2011 |
Cora Sanchez |
Kona Brewing Company |
Kyle Thiermann |
2010 |
Mark Cunningham |
Honolulu Weekly |
Duane DeSoto |
2009 |
Yvon Chouinard |
Bill Braden |
The Malloy Brothers |
2008 |
Shaun Tomson |
Styrophobia |
Dave Rastovich |
2007 |
Randy Rarick |
Pacific Biodiesel |
James Pribram |
2006 |
Peter Cole |
Schnitzer Steel Hawaii |
Pancho Sullivan |
2005 |
Larry McElheny |
Brushfire Records |
Rochelle Ballard |
2004 |
George Downing |
Oceanit |
Kelly Slater |
2003 |
John Kelly |
Patagonia - Haleiwa |
Rob Machado |
Tickets can be purchased online at the O’ahu Chapter’s website: www.Surfrider.org/oahu. For more information on the event and on sponsoring a table please contact Amanda Corby at amanda@undermyumbrella.com.
As part of its Protecting Special Places Initiative, Surfrider's Oahu Chapter worked extensively with other groups on major campaigns to save Sunset Beach, Kaka’ako Park, Waimea Valley and Turtle Bay from overdevelopment. They also helped pass a new law to strengthen and enforce beach access across the state. Building on the work of other Surfriders across the state who helped pass bans on Kaua’i, Maui and the Big Island, the O’ahu Chapter recently led the effort to pass a ban on plastic bags on O’ahu. This was a big achievement for their Rise Above Plastics Campaign because it made Hawai‘i the first state in the country to ban single-use plastic grocery bags.
The Surfrider Foundation is a non-profit grassroots environmental organization dedicated to the protection and enjoyment of our world’s oceans, waves and beaches through a powerful activist network. Originally founded in 1984 by a group of visionary surfers, the Surfrider Foundation is now in its 28th year and has grown to more than 80 chapters and 250,000 supporters, activists and members. The O’ahu Chapter focuses on the issues of beach access, water quality, coastal preservation and plastic marine debris. For more information about Surfrider, please visit www.surfrider.org/oahu.